About Me
Skills, Interests & Awards
I am currently a fourth year student studying Computer & Data Science in the Computational Data Science program at Penn State’s College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. To supplement my degree, I am also pursuing minors in Mathematics and Engineering Leadership Development. I worked as a research assistant at Penn State University Health's Website Accessibility project and have interned at JP Morgan Chase & Co.,MAXAR Intelligence and Qualcomm. I am passionate about developing software to manage and analyze big data, using technologies such as machine learning, to inform strategic decision making and uncover new insights, as shown in my course work, personal passion projects and internships.
Skills, Interests & Awards
Work Experience, Education and Involvement
MAXAR Intelligence Supply & Demand Analysis Project
Machine Learning Algorithim to Diagnose Cardiothoracic Illnesses
Using Maching Learning to create a resilient macroeconomic proxy for consumer confidence during economic uncertainties.
Using Machine Learning to predict and recommend users songs based on their listening history and corresponding metrics
Social Media inspired music visualization using user listening history
Using webharvesting to analyze accesibility of digital healthcare
Studies and Course Work at Penn State University