
Dashboard: Building out a dashboard to visualize supply and demand metrics, including rendering a web map with layers to uncover supply insights by vehicle, country and capacity zone.

Global Summary: Summarizing global supply & demand data globally. Aggregating metrics to reflect a global POV. Metrics include capacity, pixels and imagery yield.

Data Driven Sales Execution: Supporting the sales team in seeking out contracts and sales/building prospects.​ Optimizing the creation of realistic customer expectations to improve sales, company wide.

Tools Utilized:

Data side queries written in PostgreSQL, Front end published and developed using ESRI. Preliminary data visualization and analysis done using PyMc,Scikit Learn and NumPy and visualized using Seaborn, matplotlib and PyPlot. All geospatial layers and webmap components developed and published on ArcPro.

Note: The information about this project is limited due to business intelligence concerns and I am not at liberty to disclose any information in regards to MAXAR Intelligence Inc.

Supply & Demand by Victoria